Wednesday, November 10, 2010

OMG! The Rads Are Breaking Up!

Quite a shocker announcement in this morning's Times-Picayune, that the Radiators, the perennial funk-rock-R&B fusion band with a gigantic local following, was breaking up as of the summer of 2011. (See the story online at

New Orleans-area bloggers are having a field day, with comments ranging from "NOOOOOO!!!!" to "I can't bear it!" and "First the Beatles, now the Rads, what's next??" Thirty-three years is an awfully long time for a band to be together, but most of us just sort of assumed that the Rads would go on and on, for eternity.

Today's announcement assured fans that all upcoming gigs would honored (like MOMS and Jazz Fest) and that there would be a giant farewell concert in the city in June 2011. Small comfort, though, to those of us who just felt the Radiators were an eternal verity in our lives, one piece of continuity in a chaotic world.

What will MOMS be without the Rads' constant groove? Who knows?

To the Radiators from a big fan -- It's been great, guys, y'all are the absolute BEST. Wish each of you much success in whatever you do.

Fish head music forever!!

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